A thread about the church and COVID-19: Joseph’s appointment by Pharaoh as the viceregent of Egypt (Gen 41:40) is an intermittent Adamic fulfillment of the First Adam’s enthronement over the earth as Yahweh’s viceregent (Gen 1:28). But just like Adam capitulated his role as viceregent, Joseph’s rule was imperfect in that his authority derived from a foreign king with false claims to godhood. Yet, just as Joseph derives his authority from one greater than himself and rules with divine authority as a representative and intercessor between the divine and his people, Jesus, the Last Adam (Rom 5:12-21, 1 Cor 15:45), derives his authority from one greater than himself (Matt 28:18) and rules with authority as a divine representative and intercessor (Heb 7:25) between the true God and his people. Thus, Joseph’s imperfect viceregency was ultimately pointing to Jesus’ perfect viceregency who is now seated at the right of God the Father (Acts 7:55-56). Likewise, Joseph’s reign over a flourishing Egypt was ultimately pointing to Christ’s reign over a flourishing cosmic, garden-temple (Eph 2:19-22) which we also inherit as co-rulers and co-stewards of the earth (Matt 5:5). Therefore, to live out our Christian calling as co-rulers and co-stewards entails we pursue flourishing over all the earth, one marked by generosity, plentiful distribution of basic needs, preparation for future disasters, and wise leadership, a leadership that heals old wounds (Gen 45:1-4), gathers the poor and the hungry (Gen 45:11), and makes room for the sojourner (Gen 41:56-57).