Class of 2024

We’re very excited to welcome the newest class of Jewish Terps! Whether you’re getting ready for orientation or you have any questions, fill out this quick form and we’ll be in touch with details on upcoming Zoom calls and ways to connect with other first-year students.

  • March 20 - Guidance to the Maryland Hillel Community

    The University of Maryland has elected not to resume in-person classes this semester.

    Our world has changed profoundly in a short time. Maryland Hillel, much like everybody else, is grappling with what this reality means. We’re doing our utmost to transition one of the most vibrant campus communities to a hub of excellent online activity. Our core mission remains the same:

    • We are here for you, our students. Our team is making proactive phone calls to you, and we invite you to call Hillel professionals.
    • Wherever possible, we are migrating programs and initiatives online.
    • Hillel is seeking to inspire you to reach out to others and aid those in distress, in keeping with tikkun olam.
    • Graduating seniors are particularly affected because of commencement. Maryland Hillel will find a meaningful way to mark the occasion, imperfect though it might be.

    The University of Maryland has urged students not to return to College Park, other than to collect belongings at an appointed time. Please do not be in College Park any longer than essential.

    If you reside in off-campus housing and are unable to return home, we ask you to please avoid large gatherings, and effectively self-isolate with your roommates. Some students need to remain in College Park as their families are in quarantine or ill. We need to keep the environment and community safe for students who have no other choice but to reside in College Park.

    Until further notice, no minyanim will take place in College Park, including outdoor minyanim. You should limit your Shabbat meals to a nuclear family size (your immediate apartment or one other apartment which will stay consistent throughout this ordeal), but you should not simply mix and match on a daily basis. Kosher dining cannot resume under the current circumstances.

    We will do our best to update this recommendation for after Passover in consultation with the health authorities and university administration. Please stay safe and healthy.

  • March 13 - Update from Maryland Hillel on UMD's COVID-19 Announcement

The Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Center for Jewish Life on Campus

Proudly Serving Jewish Terps at the University of Maryland, College Park.

Maryland Hillel
7612 Mowatt Lane
College Park, MD 20740

Maryland Hillel is an affiliate of Hillel International and a beneficiary of The Associated: Jewish Community Federation of Baltimore and The Federation of Greater Washington.

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