UPDATED MARCH 13, 2020 During this COVID-19 crisis, the elders of Living Hope have determined that the best thing we can do to love our neighbors, obey the government, serve the saints, and be a good witness to our neighbors is to suspend in-person meetings for the duration of the month of March. LIVING HOPE LIVE ON SUNDAYS LHL_002 (1) We believe one of the best things that we can do during a crisis is to what God has always told us to do - keep the Sabbath (Exodus 20:8-11). Setting everything else aside (school, work, sports, etc.) simply to come to a sovereign God will re-center our hearts and families. We are inviting you and your whole family to still keep the Sabbath by worshipping with us through online services. For Sunday services, instead having you come to Living Hope, Living Hope will come to your home. We are excited because we will not only have streaming services for adults but also for the kids & youth. In fact, we will continue to have small groups for the kids on Sundays! Our Sunday services will look like this. Adult Services - 9:30am & 11:30am (Live Stream) Kids & Youth Services - 10:40am (Live Stream) Our Young Children (KKJ) Service will be live streamed on the Living Hope Facebook page. Our Elementary (KKC) Service will be live streamed on the KKC Facebook page + KKC Small Groups (via Google Hangouts). Our Youth (Catapult) Service will be live streamed on the LHCC YouTube channel. Please check https://www.livinghopecc.org/live for the links to each service. The live stream links for will all be posted and we will go live on Sunday morning @ 9:30am & 11:30am for Adult Services and 10:40am for Kids & Youth Services. OTHER MEETINGS The only meeting that we will continue to have in-person will be our Early Morning Prayer on Saturdays at 6:30 am. Above all things, the Church needs to pray and we wanted the place and call to pray as a church. We are also recommending the cancellation, postponement or streaming other meetings including but not limited to R28 Friday Nights, Catapult Friday Nights, Prayer Chapel, Open Gym, etc. Catapult has already begun planning for Friday evenings to be streamed and small groups to occur online. CELL GROUPS We are recommending that cell groups pause for the month of March, though each group can use their discretion. We do urge every group to still meet via online as people have a greater need to connect. GIVING In terms of giving, please use https://www.livinghopecc.org/giving to give online. The most expedient thing for the church is for you to set up regular giving from your debit account. ENCOURAGEMENT Though we may be practicing social distancing, we encourage the church to be proactive in love by spending time with family, connecting regularly to your cell groups (Hebrews 10:24-25), praying for your leaders & health care professionals, and caring for those who may be in need (especially your aging parents). The elders & staff of Living Hope will continue to communicate the best that we can. Updated March 12, 2020 The elders are planning to meet this evening to discuss further actions that we may need to take as a church. Please check this page for updates.