It Is Time to Push in Prayer


By Rev. Alexander & Michelle Chu

The year 2020 began with so much excitement and momentum.  Churches and ministries hit the ground running to make the most of a new decade.  Remember the popular sermon illustration of 20/20 vision?  Suddenly, out of nowhere, we hit a wall.  Lockdown, shelter in place, and apocalyptic scenes filled hospitals all around the world leading to extreme chaos, confusion, racial tensions, and hoarding of toilet paper. 

Many questions arose: 

How do we respond to our neighbors with compassion while protecting our families from Covid-19?  

How do we speak up in solidarity to address racism, including the recent tension against Asian Americans?

Like many of you, we dropped to our knees during the darkest hours of the night and cried out to the Lord.  When our hearts were finally stilled, the word we heard like a whisper was “push in prayer.”  Humbly we share this with you, to pass it on.  Isaiah 56:7 reminds us that God has a very specific direction that he desires his church to head in. “For my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”  As we pursue this, we believe we will find the answers to many of the challenges we are facing.  Here are a few initial thoughts and reflections as we go forth in these uncharted times.  

Let’s pray!  If we take God at his word, we acknowledge our struggle is not against man but the spiritual forces in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).  If we do not know the authority that we have in Jesus, this would seem daunting.  Thank goodness for the cross and for Scripture.  We are reminded that Jesus has overcome the world (John 16:33) and triumphed by the cross (Colossians 2:15).  Jesus goes on to tell us that all authority in heaven and earth has been given to him and he will be with us, as we carry out his plan in the earth (Matthew 28:18-20).  How does the believer access this power within?  Put on Ephesians 6:11-18 and take your position in prayer.  The word of God flowing through the mouth of his people is powerful.  Our prayers release the ministering spirits, God’s mighty angels, to go into action (Psalm 103:20).  Can you imagine the impact from nations praying in one accord?   

In the midst of this dark time, prayers are being lifted up.  During Covid-19, our prayer ministry at Christ Church has multiplied!  Each week we host a teleconference call that has grown to over a hundred folks gathering online to pray.  Glory to God!!  His people are heeding his word in 2 Chronicles 7:14 and responding in obedience.  If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  In fact, virtual prayer gatherings are popping up all over Chicago-land.  

Last week, a network of pastors and leaders gathered together as #APrayingCity to intercede for our neighborhoods and all those around the world impacted by this crisis.  It was very encouraging to join this diverse group of leaders united in prayer.  This week the Chicago-land Asian American Ministry Leaders also gathered for a prayer call coordinated by the Global Diaspora Institute.  It is not a coincidence that at the very same time, task forces were being mobilized and the newly formed Asian American Christian Collaborative released the “Statement on Anti-Asian Racism in the Time of Covid-19”.  Praise God!!

In closing, we urge you brothers & sisters to “push in prayer.”  As we continue to pray and listen, the Spirit will direct our next steps.  We will see a victory and our posture of prayer ensures that God gets all the glory.

Rev. Alexander & Michelle Chu serve at Christ Church IL, a multi-site ministry located in Lake Forest, Highland Park, Grayslake, and Vernon Hills.  Alexander is the Local Outreach Pastor. Michelle is a Christian Counselor. They both received their graduate degrees from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.