Since the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” mandate went into effect, stores have closed, dining out has ceased, and our normal gathering places have been forced to lock their doors, including the church. But I hope you’ve seen the encouraging reminder floating around social media that says, “The building is closed, but the church is open.” I often need the reminder that we the people are the church, and the building is just the place where the church gathers. While gathering has moved to virtual venues, being the hands and feet of Jesus has not. It is still very real, and our church has committed to continue being that during this crisis-inhabited time. The world needs the people of the church to speak and show hope, love, and kindness. We know that our friends, neighbors and families are hurting and possibly experiencing some of the hardest times they have ever had to endure. Just last week, a close family friend lost his wife due to COVID-19, having experienced sudden symptoms and passing away within hours. While our friend received an outpouring of support through email, text, and social media, social distancing kept him from having human contact during a deep time of grief. He told me that “there’s no social avenue that will replace a hug or a kiss from a physical human being. This has changed not just our world, but the very process of grieving.” I can’t imagine having to process that grief alone. Yet as I look around and process everything that’s going on, I can’t help but look for God and what he is doing. Long before this pandemic began, we were called to share our love with our families and neighbors through tangible acts of kindness and generosity. And I think we are called to keep doing that especially during a pandemic – it’s an invitation to lean into who God is, trusting him while we live more generously and love more open-handedly. Despite our own discomfort and financial hits, we have a unique opportunity to love others with our time and resources by giving over and above our norm. When we look around, we see that the most vulnerable among us need the church to be active. For them, it doesn’t matter whether or not the building is open – they need us to come together to be the church and the community. As I see the needs in my own backyard and my own community, not only do I want to act, I am called to act. For certain, my family has our own needs, and while I am conflicted on whether I should shut the blinds or give all I have, there is one thing I do have – and that’s hope. I have hope not just in God’s ability to see us through, but in God’s ability to help us show love even when our first response is fear. We may not know what to do in every situation, so while this isn’t a comprehensive list of answers, I want to share a few practical recommendations: · Be compassionate. · Be wise. · Pray. We need to pray all the time. · Seek advice from experts and professionals. · Realize you’re not alone in this and seek help. · Continue to build community, even if it’s virtual. While COVID-19 is temporary, the love of Jesus is eternal, and the church will do his work. I read just this week that more people are turning to the church and the Bible these days. When Jesus called us to be disciples, it wasn’t just for times of comfort and health. He commissioned all believers to make disciples in all times, and we are doing our best to do just that. Our church, Irving Bible Church, pivoted on a dime to become a fully virtual church when the crisis hit. In a matter of 48 hours, we launched online ministry and held a fully virtual worship experience. Not only that, our Next Gen, Adult ministries and even our operations converted to online ministry. It was an incredible experience to watch it unfold. But we didn’t just do that because it was the right thing to do – we did it because we believe the world needs the church right now. We wanted to continue to create ways for people to connect, experience community, and encounter Jesus despite the challenges of today. We did it so that we could continue to respond to the pain and isolation going on in our own backyard. We did it so that those who are hurting can go to our website and still set up a meeting with a pastor, although virtual, to process through what’s troubling them. And we did it to assist those in our body who have material and financial needs, because right now, through our website, IBCers can let us know not just what their needs are, but how they can help others. While our building is closed, the church is not. The gospel is alive and well and continues to change lives for eternity. We want to invite you to invest in the work of IBC, especially in these days. Your financial support is needed just as much now as in when we are in normal operations. No one knows but these may be the most fruitful days of the church, as we have this very unique and timely opportunity to love those who are struggling and point them toward the God who loves them and desires to know them. I can’t wait to get back into the building and celebrate together all that God has done during this COVID-19 pandemic, but I will wait patiently if that means He is using this time to draw people to Himself. Lastly, please know that we care about you, and we are humbly grateful for your generosity and investment in these times. Please visit our page if you need help or if you can help and visit to continue to make an investment in our church. We are thankful for you!