3 Ways to Pray for India

3 Ways to pray for india

ajay abraham     |     APRIL 23, 2020     |    2 MIN READ

I am not bothered if people refer to India as a continent. The country has nearly 1.4 billion people, who are divided into more than 4500 people groups and speak close to 1700 languages and dialects. According to the government, India’s major religion is Hinduism, which is practiced by 80% of the population, followed by Islam at about 13%, and then other religions constitute about 7%, with Christianity being practiced by only 2% of the total population.

Considering this overwhelming number of people crowded within this country, some say that COVID-19 may have catastrophic effects on Indians. Yes! It already is having its toll on the people. Looking at the pandemic situation, what can we Christians, do in this lockdown period that has stopped the entire country? I think the best thing that we can do at this time is to pray and intercede for all the people according to 1 Timothy 2:1. So, keeping that in mind, here are the three ways to pray for India during this pandemic.

1. Pray for the Citizens of India

A recent study by Oxfam shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed more than 90 percent of India’s labor force to the edge of dreadful deprivation. Already the poor are facing a terrible situation as they do not have access to basic needs and medication. Many companies have started laying-off their work, which is making their situation worse.

So pray that the poor, daily wage laborers and the homeless may get enough food and medical help in these tough times. Also, pray that the Lord in His mercy stops the spreading of this virus as it could cause havoc in this nation. More importantly, pray that the people will be wise enough to follow government orders to stay at home and report if they or anyone else is infected.

Another problem that is rising among the people during this lockdown period is sexual sin. Surveys are showing that the usage of porn has drastically increased during the last few months. Indian Child Care organization reported that in just the first 11 days of quarantine (from March 20 to March 31) they received 92,105 child-abuse cases. So, please do also pray for the people to turn away from their wickedness and repent of their sinful ways and believe in the true and living God, Jesus Christ who desires to save people from their sins (1 Tim. 2:4).

2. Pray for the Church in India

Most Indian people see Christianity as a western religion that threatens Indian cultures and traditions. Because of this Christians in many places are being attacked and the church buildings are being destroyed by radical anti-Christian groups. So pray for the protection of churches in this season, as religious fundamentalists might see this as an opportunity to persecute Christians and try to shut down house and village churches.

Pray for all the Christian ministries, staff and their families to stay strong in their faith and draw closer to the Lord and that they may be renewed by His Spirit to love and serve Him in a much effective way even in times like these (1 Pet. 2:20, 21). Pray that the church in India seizes this opportunity to wisely live out by showing the love of Christ in tangible ways and thus attracting others to Christ Jesus. Also, pray for revival among the churches that they may be restored to sound teaching and practice.

3. Pray for the Government Officials of India

Pray that the Lord may give the leaders of this nation wisdom to make appropriate decisions to save the lives of people by handling this situation well. Indian government initially took some good decisions to stop the virus by not allowing people to enter the country over the last few weeks. However, they have not provided enough medical testing equipment to hospitals around the country to battle this virus. COVID-19 testing, which costs around $70 USD is too high for any normal citizen. So, pray that the government of India may fund in this area so that sick people may get the medical attention that they needed.

Pray that the Lord will give wisdom and strength to all the caretakers, medical staff and essential supply workers that they may serve with all diligence. Also pray that the government shows no discrimination based on religion, caste, and political party during this tough time.

Above all, pray that, in this pandemic period, the Lord may graciously reveal Himself in a personal and special way to the people of India so that they would be drawn to the foot of the Cross where they can find hope, forgiveness, and life eternal.


Ajay Abraham is a seminary student at Tyndale Theological Seminary, The Netherlands. He is from Hyderabad, India. After seminary, he plans to involve in church planting and train local churches in rural areas of South India.  In his spare time, he loves to read, write, and play drums.