Remembering God
Remembering God
I am a busy person, partly by choice and partly by necessity. Since I was a child, I have had an insatiable drive to work and to achieve. My drive and ambition are more a part of me than my limbs. I am a deans-list college student at a prestigious university who is also juggling extra-curricular activities, a job, and a long-distance relationship. When I was physically at my university, this business tended to pull me away from my sense of religion. I never had a crisis of belief or lost my Christian ways. Rather, I was just too busy too truly connect with them. I rarely prayed, which I used to do every day before college, and I never had the time or drive to really experience religion.
When I first got sent home from college due to Covid-19, it was like my world went into slow motion. I had little social interaction, my classes were canceled for a week, my extracurriculars were not meeting, and I could not attend my on-campus job. My lifestyle of keeping busy was shattered. My word was quiet. It was in this quietness, that my religion came back to me. I had time and space to explore my relationship with God again. It was like being reunited with an old friend you had not realized was lost. Covid-19, while tragic and painful in many ways, realigned me with my faith.
When I first got sent home from college due to Covid-19, it was like my world went into slow motion. I had little social interaction, my classes were canceled for a week, my extracurriculars were not meeting, and I could not attend my on-campus job. My lifestyle of keeping busy was shattered. My word was quiet. It was in this quietness, that my religion came back to me. I had time and space to explore my relationship with God again. It was like being reunited with an old friend you had not realized was lost. Covid-19, while tragic and painful in many ways, realigned me with my faith.
Date Created
May 7, 2020
This item was submitted on May 7, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Tell us your story” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”:
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