Students Facing the Pandemic in Their Small Church
Students Facing the Pandemic in Their Small Church
I am a university student, and I recently joined a small baptist church of roughly 150 official members, excluding visitors and children. This was my first time completing the process of church membership, despite going with my parents weekly as a child. I became an official member and was baptized roughly a month before the pandemic broke out, scattering myself and my fellow student members. Most students living near or on campus returned to their parents homes for one reason or another, from the closing of dorms to the announcement of the residential area minutes from campus was a ‘hot spot’ for COVID-19 infection. This was devastating for me; my new church family was hours away from me and in some cases on the other side of the world (a close church sister of mine is from Dubai). While it is extremely difficult to provide a healthy, biblical church environment while distancing, the pastors are recording segments of Sunday services to be sent out weekly by email. These web pages contain several links of videos for hymns, sermons, times of prayer, and encouragements. There are also reading groups and intermittent fasting accompanied by zoom meetings for interested members. The students are also continuing to hold bible studies and other weekly meetings to foster community during this time. It has served as an important lesson to me what faithfulness looks like to a local church even when being ‘local’ is no longer an option.
Date Created
May 12, 2020
Park Hills Baptist Church
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This item was submitted on May 12, 2020 by Caroline Wax using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”:
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