We Were Not Invincible
We Were Not Invincible
In early July, in the sanctuary of my rural church, I remember speaking to our Pastor (a middle-aged, simple styled caucasian man, known for his "go with the flow" attitude) about the pandemic, and its possible effects on the church. Although large gatherings had been banned in our state, he reassured me that our services would not change or adhere to new COVID-19 guidelines. It was as if he believed that our tiny corner of the world could not be reached by a pandemic. Was the hand of God hovering solely over us? Church continued for a couple of weeks; communion was taken, numbers hardly faltered, and no social distancing or mask wearing occured. At first, we did seem untouchable. Until...we weren't. Suddenly, members of the church started falling ill. The first two positive tests shocked the congregation. The choir got it, the deacons got it. School age children and elderly patrons got it. Even the Pastor, and his daughter, tested positive. Our lightheartedness came back to bite us, but everyone was too proud to admit our faults.
Date Created
September 10, 2020
Methodist Christian
personal story
Item sets
This item was submitted on September 10, 2020 by Kaylee Brown using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”: https://preachinggoesviral.org/s/contributions
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