God is not surprised



God is not surprised


The shutdown of life as we knew it that occurred March 13, 2020 came as a shock to my workplace, Habitat for Humanity Susquehanna, an ecumenical Christian affordable housing ministry, my church Christ fellowship and family and friends. At first we all thought two weeks and life would return to “normal”. We were wrong... 8 months later our office and our church have not yet started gathering in person yet. Our church will begin mid November and our office not likely until the new year. And although we haven’t returned to “normal” I have witnessed a sense of community and an increased commitment to doing good to benefit others. Our pastor started daily morning Live devotions which have provided comfort and peace in these uncertain times. At work we typically hold three events a year to fund the home building and 2 of the 3 have been virtual yet the turnout has been stronger despite the change. Response to our request to financial help those Habitat families who have lost their jobs pay their mortgage was overwhelming. Our church is hosting an advent giving campaign to collect donations to support Habitat. My faith has been strengthened as I’ve witnessed miracle after miracle of what looks like a negative be turned into a blessing these past 8 months. We were surprised but God Is not. He has a beautiful plan and Keeps showing it in a multitude of ways and the slower pace has afforded me/us more opportunities daily to notice them. My faith in humanity and goodness has been strengthened as well as, despite the bitter division in this country, more people are committed to providing a hand up, not out and by tangibly reflecting the love of God to others in need. No Human would ask to learn these lessons through a pandemic but God in His perfect wisdom knew just how to turn the horror of a pandemic and use it for good. I pray I keep these lessons learned close to my heart when things “return to normal” and I hope they don’t completely turn to normal - I pray I/we keep a slower pace and more outward other oriented focus. ?????

Date Created

October 24, 2020


Chrisrian Church and Christian housing ministry


Non denominational Christian



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