Oral History with Tom Clardy



Oral History with Tom Clardy


For a graduate school project at Utah State University, History Dept., I was assigned to create an Oral History with a religious person with respect to their experiences with COVID-19. Tom signed a written consent for me to record and upload his history in this archive. I have the form on file. Included in this submission are three files. The first is an audio file from a Zoom recording transcribed by Otter.ai. The second file is a Word Doc with a series of photographs of Tom with various aspects of his life. The third is a text transcript of the 70-minute interview.

Date Created

November 7, 2020


St. Mary's Church in Park City, Utah





This item was submitted on December 1, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”: https://preachinggoesviral.org/s/contributions

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