I haven't gone to Church since March but my grandfather still goes twice a week.
I haven't gone to Church since March but my grandfather still goes twice a week.
I haven't gone to Church since I was first sent home from college in March when lockdowns began. I feel guilty because as soon as the strictest lockdown for my area was lifted my 80 year old grandfather started going back to Church. He also goes to veneration every week. At first my family was worried about him and my grandmother but they never once got sick going to mass. After all these months my grandfather contracted Covid a couple weeks ago but hilariously it wasn't from going out it was from a visit from one of my relatives. I am lucky in that I can laugh at the irony of that because the only symptom my grandfather showed was loss of taste. I understand how fortunate I am to have healthy grandparents whom were rather unaffected by the virus. I am praying for those who are not as lucky and have lost someone during this pandemic.
Date Created
December 18, 2020
Roman Catholic
personal story
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This item was submitted on December 18, 2020 by Addy C using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”: https://preachinggoesviral.org/s/contributions
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