Zoom LifeGroup
Zoom LifeGroup
Each week we look forward to having our LifeGroup in our home to discuss the sermon from Sunday. With the pandemic we couldn’t meet in person because our group was larger than 10 and we just didn’t think it was safe. So we have had a Zoom meeting each week. At first we wondered how it would go since it seems so impersonal. Well it has been full of deep times of conversations about our God and what is happening. It has been a time where we are so much more open and willing share about or struggles and needs. It has been a time of deep meaningful prayer for each other and the world. Though we can’t wait to meet in person again we are so thankful for technology and the ability to come before God as a group. One neat thing our church also did after each sermon was live-streamed was have a Zoom Lobby huddle where people could see each other and say hi since we all aren’t in the same same Life Group. I included pictures of the Life Group and Zoom Lobby fellowship.
Date Created
April 5, 2020
South Carolina
A Congreation
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