COVID Testing at DCJCC



COVID Testing at DCJCC


DC had one of the most severe surges of omicron variant of coronavirus in the U.S. with 1,000+ cases per day at its peak. Pharmacies were sold out of tests and the D.C. government only had so many in its own supply.

I was walking to the grocery store when I passed the DC Jewish Community Center along historic 16th Street, just a mile up from the White House. Parked along side the building was a mobile covid testing van, providing much needed tests. In that moment, it brought a whole new meaning "community center" in a way I had never seen it before.


Jonathan E

Date Created

December 28, 2021

state/territory name

Washington, DC

community name

Edlavitch DC Jewish Community Center

has originating institution

This item was submitted on January 20, 2022 by Jonathan E using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “American Jewish Life”:

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