A Religious Response to Covid-19 from a Presbyterian Community of Faith Near Detroit
A Religious Response to Covid-19 from a Presbyterian Community of Faith Near Detroit
This response documents the initial and early communications of a Presbyterian pastor to a congregation on the outskirts of Detroit, Michigan, as the Covid-19 pandemic swept through this geographic region (March and April, 2020). Included in the documents are mail and email communications to the congregation, reflections on seasonal observances of the Christian church in light the pandemic (Lent, Holy Week, Easter), and a sermon specifically addressing personal and community and faith issues in response to the pandemic. Relevant demographic information of this community of faith: denomination, Presbyterian Church USA; size 1,200 members; location is largely affluent suburban community bordering Detroit; racial composition is overwhelmingly white. Context of pastor and faith community: pastor (white male mid-sixties) has served since November 2019 as the interim head of staff in a temporary position (pastor's experience includes 40 years as a Presbyterian minister); the congregation's senior pastor moved to another congregation June, 2019 and is in a transitional time between called pastors.
Date Created
March 2020
Grosse Pointe Memorial Church
Presbyterian Church USA
Grosse Pointe Memorial Church
Other Media
This item was submitted on May 3, 2020 by Mark E. Diehl using the form “Tell us about your religious community's response” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”: https://preachinggoesviral.org/s/contributions
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