Collected Item: “Rabbi Mitch's Sermon - Day 1 of Rosh Hashanah”
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Rabbi Mitch's Sermon - Day 1 of Rosh Hashanah
URL, if any
Type of response:
Sermon or written equivalent
Date, if any
September 30th, 2020
Author (individual or group)
Rabbi Mitch
Religious organization
The Temple Sholom of Chicago
Religious movement (specify)
Religious movement (pick list)
Judaism, general
3480 N Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, IL
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Your own response:
This sermon was all about keeping happiness, light, and positivity throughout any kind of dark time. The main focus was on keeping the strength and faith during the crisis of the pandemic during the famous holiday known as, Rosh Hashanah. In addition, it talks about how their own experiences in giving up during hard times and how that faith has helped them.
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