Transcript of God and Pestilence +K


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Transcript of God and Pestilence +K

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Community themes; Defiance or deference to govt & secular policy

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Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than men. This is not just a figment of my imagination. God's law always trumps man's law. Do you understand that? Just because the nation tells people not to congregate, God is pleased with congregating. He says for sake, not the assembling of yourselves together as the manner of some is. I know there are people right now that are so scared of this box, that they are having church over the internet. They have pants and services there, forsake the assembling of themselves and in effect done just what we talked about last week with the King that goes out to war without thinking, without counting the cost, seeing whether he can go up to 20,000 enemy with 10 of his own troops, he is standing on the Hill, looking down in the Valley, down there at the end of may. And he's scared. And he's saying we'd better send ambassadors down there and desire, conditions of peace. And at that point, the enemy has won. The enemy has won if we forsake the assembling of ourselves together because the government tells us that we all not to mate,

God help us. God help us.

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Lexingtong, TN

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New Antioch PBC

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God pestilence and his people Excerpted and highlighted parts