Transcript of God and Pestilence +N


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Transcript of God and Pestilence +N

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Death & dying during the pandemic; Only God. Or... Not!; Protect; Prayer and faith as saving or duty; Unity of religious community

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Yeah. Corona virus might get you, but God got you. He says Nate, and all these, as it is written for that sake, we are killed all the day long. We are counted as sheep for the slaughter, who would count you as sheep for the slaughter, the world does Satan does. He's trying to her, you. And he says, that's what they account of you. But Paul says nay, in all these things, we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. He's talking about, we may be killed. Pestilence may get us. The Corona virus might get us, but we're more than conquerors. If it does. Even in spite of that stuff, we're still Cockers through, through him through Christ. And then he says, Paul, I love this false persuaded. He says, that means every fiber of his being was convinced that God was on his throne.

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Lexingtong, TN

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New Antioch PBC

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God pestilence and his people Excerpted and highlighted parts