Transcript of Under the shadow of the almighty +E


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Transcript of Under the shadow of the almighty +E

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Fear; Defiance or deference to govt & secular policy; Social distancing; various aspects. Or; Not!

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I'm going to trust in the Lord verse three, surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the Fowler and from the noise, some pestilence, the noise, some pestilence. Now this circumstance that we're dealing with with the coronavirus and COBD COVID-19 is very serious, not just in America, but in the world. Okay. Looked up some stats this morning and just in America. Okay. In America, we've got 26,909 cases, 349 deaths. It's a 1.3% mortality rate. By the way, there is over 200,000 cases in the world. And so many countries that have people that are infected by this. And, and there's reason for concern. And there's reason for us to make appropriate precautions, to distance ourself, and to prevent the spread of this. But I want you to think there's only been in America 349 deaths from this thus far, and look at all of the concern and anxiety and fear this related to this.

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Ackerman, MS, 39735

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Under the shadow of the almighty Excerpted and highlighted parts