Help in Trouble +M


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Help in Trouble +M

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Fear; Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty; Unity of religious community

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All kinds of public gatherings and events and travel. Everything. All of a sudden changed because of the little virus that you can't even see. We're frail creatures. Life is fragile, but help is in God. First of all, we emphasize the point that he is able to help. And that's what we find that this Psalm verse one says, God is our refuge. And just as the Psalm starts with God and ends with God, verse 11 says the Lord of host is with us. The God of Jacob is our refuge. Now that's reassuring. Is it not? The God of Jacob is our read views. The Lord of hosts is with us a refuge, a refuge as a shelter place of protection. When it seems everything is falling apart, sometimes it doesn't take a pandemic like we're facing at the moment to feel like your world personally is falling apart.

You can have trials, troubles, sicknesses difficulties in your own life. Where just one thing after another seems to go wrong, I'd say, it's just, I'm ready to give up. I feel like it's all falling apart, but we're talking about a refuge, a hiding place, a place of protection, a place. When you go, when you feel like everything is falling apart, some 63 verse 11, God has spoken once, twice. Have I heard this? That power longest unto God? So we're talking about the fact that God is able to help. He's able to help because Powell belongs to God. He is the shot ruler of heaven and earth. There is no storm that can rage. There is no comment that can fall out of the sky. There is no virus that can go on a rampage that's out of God's control. Aren't you glad to know that God rules and reigns, as RSA say, Sperl often said, if there is one single molecule in this universe running around loose, totally free of God's sovereignty, then we have no guarantee that a single promise of God will ever be fulfilled and of cooked out of shingle MCU running free.

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