Help in Trouble +D


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Help in Trouble +D

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Punishment -- pandemic as punishment or curse.; Only God. Or... Not!

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Okay. Pandemics can indeed be judgment from God. It would not be surprising if God would sin worldwide judgment. Okay? Considering that here in our country, that thousands of babies are put to death while still in the mother's womb, that society has come to reject God's specific plan for what marriage ought to be, that there are many with that attitude represented by Pharaoh, who is the Lord that I should obey him. If judgment came, we couldn't be surprised, but at the same time, we have to be careful not to pass judgment. Ourselves person might say, well, this country is certainly suffering because of this sin or that sin, or this individual is having a tough time. And God must be dealing with them. That may not necessarily be the case. Job was an upright man. Yet he met with terrible, terrible troubles. And then there's friends who came to advise him were mistaken.

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