Help in Trouble +F


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Help in Trouble +F

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Prayer and faith as saving or duty

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They had the idea that if Joe would just confess some deep dark sin, that things could be better, but yeah, it was within the sovereign purpose of God to bring these afflictions into the life of Joe. He was teaching job something. He was teaching something to all of us because his experience recorded. And the patient of scripture is of great instructive value to us today when there were some speaking to Jesus about the fact that the tower of siloing fell upon 18, and there were those who were offering sacrifices to God, but they were slain and their blood was mingled with the sacrifices. And these people were imagining that they must be more wicked than anybody else. And what was Jesus' response? He says, I tell you, except he repent. You shall all likewise perish. So it is to be acknowledged that God does sometimes has done it in the past.

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