Help in Trouble +G


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Help in Trouble +G

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Only God. Or... Not!; Punishment -- pandemic as punishment or curse.

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We'll do it yet. Sin judgment because of sin, but stop short of passing your own personal judgment to decide exactly what God is doing and why an individual or a particular country might be shuffling. All kinds of plagues have brought trouble down through the years. Not only in old Testament times, but in 1665, there was a great plague that hit the city of London. England many were dying. Many were fleeing the city for fear that they would die. But the Puritan preachers remained in the city and visited the sick and buried the dead. It was a very difficult time indeed, but God blessed his servants to be an example. In those dark days, Spurgeon had not been in London very long. He came there as a young preacher and shortly after he arrived in the year, 1854, the color of plague broke out on a daily basis.

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