Help in Trouble +I


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Help in Trouble +I

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Medical Experts/Medicine; Defiance or deference to govt & secular policy; Social distancing; various aspects. Or; Not!

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There's uncertainty about how the virus is transmitted. I think it's appropriate. We tried to heed the warnings that are given and conduct ourselves in a conservative way. I will admit that having to give up handshaking is tough. We've already found that that here this morning has have waved at some of you instead of shaking your head hand, shaking as a longterm Baptist tradition so that that's hard to avoid, but we want to be safe and express our gradings. In some other form, we want to do everything we can to comply with any regulation that's passed by the government that is realistic and doesn't violate our religious liberties. And so there is much uncertainty uncertainty about how long this thing will last. That's one thing that always causes a degree of anxiety. Somebody said, but when will we be over? Well, nobody knows. And somebody comes on TV and says, well, they believe there'll be at least a hundred thousand cases in the state of Ohio. Now, does anybody know that? And nobody can tell how many cases are going to be, how long it's going to last. And so as people try to pose as experts, they often add to the concerns and anxiety that already exist. In fact, many in the media reflect their personal prejudices as they give report of what's happening and do so to really generate anxiety.

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Cincinnati OH

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