Help in Trouble +N


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Help in Trouble +N

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Death & dying during the pandemic

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They're in the most difficult of circumstances, but he says life, no matter what life brings, life cannot separate. Your death can not separate you. Angels principalities powers things present the coronavirus, no matter what happens in the future, none of these things can separate you from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus, our Lord. So no matter what your situation is, no matter what you face today, what you may face in the future, what our nation faces today, what it might face in the future, for those who belong to the Lord by his sovereign grace, nothing, absolutely nothing. All the devils of hell might attack them, but nothing can separate them from the love of God, which has given us in Christ Jesus.

Well then somebody said, but well, life should be treasured. It's a precious gift. Do everything we can to take care of our bodies, to take care of our health. It's, it's a blessing that we have life and God would have us to enjoy it. But if somebody says, well, I guess if I consider all that could happen, the worst thing I can think of is death. But this says death cannot separate us from the love of God. And the apostle Paul said in Philippians, one 21 for, to me to live is Christ had early our first and primary concern. I want to live in such a way that I'm exalting the name of Jesus Christ, to be able to say, he's my Lord. He's my master. He's first he's foremost of my life for, to me to live is Christ. And then he says in the same purse at the die is gain.

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