Help in Trouble +P


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Help in Trouble +P

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Death & dying during the pandemic; Prayer and faith as saving or duty

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But when the time comes to park this life for the child of God, it's not a tragic ending. It's a glorious homecoming. Paul says to be absent from the body instantly when the child of God dies, he goes into the presence of Jesus Christ, Whoa, glory, what glory to anticipate with all of the difficulties and the heavy burdens and the troubles and the struggles and the temptations of life to think being at home in heaven, no more sicknesses, no more sorrows, no more temptations, no viruses up there, but eternal joy and bliss and the presence of Jesus Christ, triumphantly singing his praise. Now word worthy for that was slain and has redeemed us to God. But I own precious blood. What could be any better than that? Go home to be with the Lord. If we believe he is our refuge, a present help in trouble, we need not fear.

We need not cave in to the panic that sometimes mess around. But you know, only those who know Jesus Christ as their savior can claim the blessing of this song. Those in Christ need not fear because God is their refuge. And they know their ultimate destination is to be at home with him and see Jesus Christ face to face. But without him, there is no refuge here and none hereafter. But today, if you were convicted of your sin and you are troubled because the thought of dying does trouble. You, you can't have peace about it. You're troubled. You know, you need help. You know, you're a shutter, you know, you do not stand acceptably in God's sight. You need help in your trouble. And I want to tell you about the one who is the great helper, the great savior of centers, Jesus Christ came to seek and to save that which is lost. And he says him that come with him to me, I will have no wash cash. Now come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy Laden. And I will give you rash, Oh, to come to him and be able to say he is my help in trouble. He is my refuge. I trust in him.

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