Help in Trouble +A


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Help in Trouble +A

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Good deeds and service to others; Suffering; Only God. Or... Not!; Politicians; religion; and the pandemic

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As the Corona virus continues to bring sickness and death around the world. Let us pray for president Trump, that the Lord will give him the special wisdom that he needs at this difficult time. Today, we bring you the second part of the message help in trouble. I realized that the economic fallout from this problem is severe. And so there may be some who would ordinarily want to help support this program, but just are not able, but if you're one who can assist us, I think it's important that we keep the broadcast on the air as a place where we can bring the good news of the gospel and words of encouragement from the scriptures. So if you can help us at this time, we'll certainly we'll be thankful for it. Our address is the Baptist Bible. Our box 17 Oh 37, Cincinnati Ohio 45 to one seven.

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Help In Trouble Excerpted and highlighted parts