Lord what would you have me do +B


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Lord what would you have me do +B

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Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty; Unity of religious community

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When Paul said Saul at that time said, Lord, what without having me to do, it's not my intent to get into that particular verse, but I want that thought because that soul searching that I have been doing, and I hope the soul searching that you have been doing throughout this experience will bring us to that place in a similar fashion, perhaps not with the power and the force or the glory that Jesus appeared to Saul of Tarsus, but it ought to stop us in our tracks. It ought to cause us to pause and consider it all. Just causes us to search our hearts and ask Lord, what would you have me to do? You know, when Jesus was telling Peter there, after his resurrection and just before his Ascension, Jesus was telling Peterson things that he need to do. And Peter said, well, Lord, what about this man?


We have that tendency to don't we, well, if I gotta do something, w what's everybody else going to do? Well, we are all be doing the same thing, but if we don't, don't lose thinking about it yourself, Lord, what would you have me to do? Revital has to start with me. I'm going to go with you too. But it has to start with me if I don't hear, if I don't change, it's not going to happen right. For me. Okay. So when we think about this experience and I would ask you the question, what if the Lord appeared to you in a similar way, how would you respond? How would you respond to the Lord? You know? So he was being confronted with a need to change

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Lord what would you have me do Excerpted and highlighted parts