What would he not have us do +B


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What would he not have us do +B

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Good deeds and service to others; Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty

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Let me give it to you this way. In, in connection with everything that we've talked about, he, that hat is the one who had in his heart, a desire to do the will of God. He's the one that's going to be blessed. He's the one that's going to grow it. And grace and the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. He's the one who said his affection on things above, not on things on the earth. He's the one that's laid up. Treasure in heaven, not laid up for himself. Treasures upon the earth. He, that hath is the one who had the desire to do the will of God, which means he'll deny himself. He'll take up his cross. He'll follow the Lord. He'll use what the Lord gives him faithfully to God's glory.

That's what we're to do. We're not to do like the man who had the one pound and just buried it in the earth. And it wasn't good for anybody where to do that, which is pleasing to the Lord. Where did you do that? With use what the Lord gave? Well, we use it in the right way. He will bless it. He'll bless it to grow. He'll bless it to increase. He'll bless us to have a, more of a, an impact in the kingdom of God. And that's what we need. And that that's what this nation needs right now. It's the God it's people to get serious about serving him. He's allowed this thing to come upon us, perhaps, because we've been asleep.

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Headland, AL

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Pinegrove PBC

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What would he not have us do? Excerpted and highlighted parts Sound