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Community themes; Defiance or deference to govt & secular policy; Politicians; religion; and the pandemic; Social distancing; various aspects. Or; Not!

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We were disappointed when the “Stay At Home Order” was extended to May 29th. It sounded a little better when it was changed to “Stay Safe Ohio” but we are not sure about what all that means. There are many different opinions about what is appropriate, what is necessary, what is constitutional. No doubt most of those in places of authority are sincere and wanting to make the best decision possible. It may be that some are more interested in pushing their political agenda amd It appears that some have already gone too far in their rulings and that gives us concern about personal freedoms and particularly about religious liberty for the future.

Certainly every citizen has the right to make their opinion known to the Mayor, the Governor, the President or any office holder, but Christians should do so in a respectful manner as spoken of in Romans 13:7, “honour to whom honour is due.”

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COVID-19 Excerpted and highlighted parts