My Times In Thy Hands +C


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My Times In Thy Hands +C

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Suffering; Blessing or reason for gratitude; Only God. Or... Not!; Prayer and faith as saving or duty

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Many of the trials that we face are exceedingly painful. This current crisis is painful. When you look at the news and she had many people are dying. She, the number of people that are in hospitals that are overcrowded


Speak of losing family members, how painful and devastating it can be. It can be shattering experience or lose a job. Maybe here's a man that's barely making ends. Meet knows it's his obligation to support his family. And all of a sudden, because of this crisis, he's out of work or his hours are cut back. That it is challenging to continue. Certainly the death of a loved one brings deep sorrow, deep sorrow. Amen. It's understandable. The dots people will grieve the book of first Thessalonians chapter four. It tells us this. Shairo not even as others, which have no hope. The possible acknowledges. We as human beings are going to shed tears. We're going to grieve. Our loved ones are claimed by death, but our sorrow is not one of despair. Like those that have no hope. Therefore he can shame the 18th verse, wherefore comfort one another with these words, comfort one another because there's coming a day that the dead in Christ arrives first and we'll be United with the Lord.

But we're acknowledging that trials and troubles of various shorts can be extremely painful. We're not, we're not ignoring that. But James is writing under the inspiration of the Holy spirit. It says counted all joy. And here's why the trying of your faith, worketh patience, God is working in your life to teach you and train you. The things that you can learn in your suffering, you can't learn any other way. And God is determined not to leave you just standing still, but making progress in your spiritual walk to confirm your more North to the image of Christ. And that occurs in the midst of sufferings. But he says, be cautious that you don't look for. They escape, hatch the patient. And at the end, you'll be with tour complete lacking nothing.

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