My Times In Thy Hands +B


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My Times In Thy Hands +B

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Only God. Or... Not!

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God is in charge. God is sovereign Psalm one 35, verse six whatsoever. The Lord pleased that did he in heaven and in earth in the seas. And in all deep places, he calls it the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. And he make a lightning for the rain. He bring it to the wind out of his treasuries. I've talked to people to sell. I believe that God is the creator. And I believe he said all this in motion at creation, but now the weather just kind of operates on a tone. But when you look at the language of the shameless, you understand God is still in absolute control of every detail. He causes the vapors to ascend. From the end of the earth, he makes the lightning, he sends the rain. He brings the wind and we said, there's confirmed. But we go along to Psalm one 47, verse 15.

He had sent it forth. His commandment upon earth, his word run swiftly. He give us snow like wool. He scattered the hoarfrost like ashes. He cashed at them for his eyes like marshals, who can stand before his cold. He sent it out his word and melted them. He calls it his wind to blow. And the water took flow. Cod controls. Every rain drop that fall. Every win that blues God is okay. And to control every bird, the claws, every insect, the crawls, every germ, every virus, nothing is out of his control. That's brilliant sharing. Is it not that the shame God created the heaven of the earth, upholds it by the word of his power. It's the God who is on the throne of heaven. Now, absolutely controlling all things. What a hopeless situation it would be. If we thought it was all in the hands of lady look, or it was just a matter of chance as to how the events of life would be unfolding.

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