Yoga Worshiping



Yoga Worshiping


Yoga Worshiping

One day, this past summer, I awoke from bed due to the noise of my mom yelling for my brothers and I to come downstairs. We all sat at the table and while we were eating breakfast my mom asked us if we wanted to do something on the upcoming Sunday. Our local church was holding a sermon on their outside lawn and they invited everyone to come and bring their yoga matts and socially distance. My family hadn’t been to a church service for quite a while. The last time we went was right before the start of spring. We talked about it and decided it would be a good idea to get closer with God due to all of the negativity surrounding the pandemic going on. Later that day my mom went out to the grocery store and bought us all yoga matts to sit on while listening to the pastor.

Upon arrival to our church we noticed that many others also thought it would be a good idea to get out of the house and worship. We laid our matts down, away from other families and got comfortable for the upcoming service. The pastor started out with making a few jokes of how he wishes everyone could meet under better circumstances. Throughout the ceremony, I looked around and saw a multitude of smiles on all of the different families faces. I thought to myself how lucky we still are with the pandemic happening, that we can all still be together, (at a safe distance) to come together and praise our God. In the end, my family and I were very glad we decided to attend. I would recommend for more churches to do this to help some people through the harsh times we face today.






Personal story, social media or blog post, unpublished material, etc.


September 16, 2020


Ethan Crawford

denomination family name

Roman Catholic

Spatial Coverage

Saint Johns Church

Item sets

This item was submitted on September 16, 2020 by Ethan Crawford using the form “Help gather religious responses to the pandemic” on the site “Preaching Goes Viral”:

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