Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessaritly Preceded By Individual Confession?



Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessaritly Preceded By Individual Confession?


In this period there is a very serious state of global emergency worldwide and also at the extra-ecclesial level as explicitly repeated several times by Pope Francis, who in the Angelus on 22nd March raised the alarm: “In these trying days, while humanity trembles due to the threat of the pandemic, I would like to propose to all Christians that together we lift our voices towards Heaven. I invite all the Heads of the Churches and the leaders of every Christian community, together with all Christian of the various confessions, to invoke the Almighty, the omnipotent God”[1], and he underscored the extraordinary dangerousness of the situation in the ‘Extraordinary moment of prayer, and so it appears especially significant and relevant that the Note from the Apostolic Penitentiary on the Sacrament of Reconciliation in the current pandemic was issued last March 20th with which it alio modo dicto (stated in a different way) declared it to be ‘Defcon-2’.


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Date Submitted

11/9/2020 20:00

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