Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessaritly Preceded By Individual Confession?



Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessaritly Preceded By Individual Confession?


Indeed, Can. 960 foresees that individual and integral confession constitutes the only ordinary means to receive absolution from a priest. The general absolution is only foreseen by the Codex for absolute emergency situations of a general nature, and this is the case envisaged by Can. 961, § 1, at No. 2 (the “gravis necessitas” (grave necessity), to which the Signatura refers), or of a personal nature, provided for in No. 1 (‘periculum mortis’ (danger of death)


R1: Main claim or thesis (supported by much of the sermon or primary source)

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Date Submitted

11/9/2020 20:12

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