Counsel for the Quarantine



Counsel for the Quarantine


We delivered a sermon. I'll tell you that. That was one of the most heartbreaking Sundays for me in the almost 14 years that I've served here as pastor, because the building was nearly empty and it just broke my heart to be in the Lord's house on the Lord's day and have an empty building. But we had a great response on the live stream, and we would invite you to make use of that resource to pray that God would continue to bless that as we attempt to bring his word through. Those means each Sunday morning. And we do most certainly look forward to the day when this threat is behind us. And we can once again, go up to the house of the Lord and worship him all together as a collective church body. The backdrop for today's message comes from the book of second Chronicles, chapter seven and verse 14.


M2: Membership and audience attachment to a social group (not just to God, faith, or religious practices)

has community

Flint River Primitive Baptist Church

Spatial Coverage

Brownsboro, Alabama.

has denomination

Independent or Primitive Baptists



Date Submitted

11/12/2020 9:23

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