Not Afraid - "Anxious, Alone, and Afraid" - Part 2



Not Afraid - "Anxious, Alone, and Afraid" - Part 2


Don't don't walk away. Don't start doing something else. But stick around. I saw an online conversation recently and it was a conversation between this single mother and this other lady and the single mom. She was online and she was just kind of venting if you will. Right. And the single mom she's talking really openly. And she says, man, I lost my job. I'm stressed out. I'm hurting them. She's just being honest. She's letting it all out there. Right stressed. And the other person, who's obviously a Christian and a nice lady. It was, it was sweet. And she had the best of intentions, but this other person, she was trying to encourage this single mom. And she said, man, just, just trust in the Lord. Right? Just trust in the largest, trusting God just trust in him. Right. And that's what she said to her in the single mom, she kind of talked back. You could tell she was a little bit irritated. And she said, I'm trying to write. I'm trying to trust God. Like I'm trying to trust them, but how do I do it? Right? How do I do it? Like, how am I supposed to trust God when there's no paycheck? How am I supposed to trust God when there's bills to pay? How am I supposed to trust God? When I get kids at home and mouths to feed, man, how in the world am I supposed to trust God at a time like this?


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