Student ministry leaders engage and innovate to connect with youth



Student ministry leaders engage and innovate to connect with youth


Davies said he also hopes that the youth of Heights Baptist will cultivate a greater responsibility for their faith through these challenges. “I am attempting to leave plenty of space for youth to guide the conversation and make discoveries from the text before spoon-feeding them anything in the discussion videos,” Davies said. “My hope is that youth will find their own love for the Bible without the ‘crutch’ [of] youth group each week.” Trueblood said his prayer is that teenagers will fall in love with God through the Word during this time, cultivating that personal connection even more than before. Trueblood encourages student pastors and leaders to take care of themselves spiritually and to connect with ministry peers for support and encouragement, as well as to trade ideas on how best to serve well.



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Southern Baptist Convention

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Date Submitted

10/21/2020 17:37

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