Why This Passover Will Be More Special Than Any Other Passover



Why This Passover Will Be More Special Than Any Other Passover


So here it goes, Passover means to pass over every challenge. There are some big challenges right now. We've been isolated from one another, and many of us confined to our homes. Our paths into the future have been suddenly swallowed into a great fog of uncertainty. The world in which we lived only a month ago, was gone, never to return quite the same. What do we choose do when Terra firma slips out from under our feet? When all that seems certain a moment ago with suddenly vanished and there isn't a railing left to grasp or a rope to hang on to grasp that, which has always proven solid and sure in every time in every circumstance. On the night, when we were rescued from the bondage of ancient Egypt, sit with your family, sit with your roommate, sit just you and the creative, the universal alone, eat the matsahs and bitter herbs, drink the wine and tell the greatest story ever told. While the whole world is grounded on the tarmac, Tell the story of an Exodus from excruciating restriction to Holy freedom, the story of your own people. If you and I have some 4,000 years of eternity, as all of humanity ties itself in protective knots. Talk about escape from bondage. As we all await our Exodus back to freedom. Tell the ancient story our ancestors taught, tell it to whoever's there in your house. Most of all, tell it to yourself.


Analogies to Mythic Narratives

has denomination

Orthodox Judaism

Date Submitted

11/29/2020 11:17

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