How to Deal with Crisis



How to Deal with Crisis


He has a powerful name because in times of crisis, you don't need therial ideas. You don’t need like flower power, just be nice loving. In times of crisis, you want actual real power. That's the power that God provides. That's the power we want to step into right now. Let's pray for that. God, I pray that you would pour your power on us, whatever coffee shop we’re in, whatever living room we're in, wherever we are right now. God notice your people notice your people who want to be your people give us something we wouldn't have had. If we just stream Netflix, give us a taste of you, give us a perspective. We can't get elsewhere. Give us a touch Of your spirit beyond everything else that happens for the rest of our time. I pray these things according to the character and identity of Jesus, amen.


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Crossroads Church

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Cincinnati, OH

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Date Submitted

10/5/2020 16:13

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