Counting Days under "Lockdown" and the Blessing of Shabbat



Counting Days under "Lockdown" and the Blessing of Shabbat


I can’t be the only person who’s losing track of time. One day simply runs into another. That’s why I’m finding the traditional Jewish way of structuring the week so helpful: Sunday is rishon leShabbat, the 1st day towards Shabbat; Monday is sheni leShabbat, the 2nd day towards Shabbat, and the week culminates in Shabbat itself. It would be easy to undervalue or even forget the Sabbath in these strange times. After all, we’re mostly at home anyway, can’t travel and can’t invite anyone round for Friday night dinner. Our house, often so full of people, feels like a ghost town and the dog stares disconsolately at the empty rooms. (Or perhaps he’s thinking ‘my space at last!’)


COVID-adapted Misc. lifecycle events (except funerals, weddings, baptisms)

has denomination

Masorti Judaism

Date Submitted

10/21/2020 23:59

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