Perfect Love Drives Out Fear



Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


So if you're able and you have the means, please help by continuing or increasing your support during this time. Any additional support that you can provide may make up for someone else who has been impacted financially and is forced to reduce their support. So finally remember that you can email our executive pastor Dan Bisbee, if you have any given questions and just want to thank you, grants and church, thank you for continuing to support your staff and your congregation. As we move forward with being Christ to others during this pandemic, may God bless you for your faithful, even sacrificial in some cases, giving to the ongoing work of the church. So each Sunday we practice the prayers of the people. If you're regularly with us at grant them, you know, it's an important part of what we do. We offer up all of our prayers to God before the hearing of the word. And at the end of those prayers, we close our time in saying the Lord's prayer together. That's a regular part of our spiritual religious pattern is a regular part of our liturgy. So I want to continue to do that in the weeks ahead and ask that you would join me now in praying the prayers of the people let's pray together. Father, we recognize that we are in a crisis and none of us escapes it. This is a global pandemic. And Lord may, while this may surprise us and cause us to fear, we know that you are not surprised and you do not fear Lord, but you are God and we are not.


Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

has community

Grantham Church

Spatial Coverage

Mechanicsburg, PA

Date Submitted

11/10/2020 11:22

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