Perfect Love Drives Out Fear



Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


You're operating out of a spirit of fear. Not only can you not think clearly you can't laugh. It's not possible. So think about that. A spirit of fear leads to self absorption. A spirit of fear leads to irrational behavior. A spirit of fear leads away from faith. I think about it. If God is love, or maybe we should say, we should say, since God is love. As the writer John says, since God is love, fear moves us away from a sense of God's presence. Now you think about that. Fear moves us away from a sense of God's presence. And none of us want that, right? None of us want that, but the scriptures, the scriptures tell us that we should take heart because nothing can actually separate us from God's love. Have you heard of that before somebody say, amen, nothing can actually separate us from God's love.



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Grantham Church

Spatial Coverage

Mechanicsburg, PA

Date Submitted

11/10/2020 11:33

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