Perfect Love Drives Out Fear



Perfect Love Drives Out Fear


And we ask father that you would help us in our great time of need. And we pray specifically this morning, Lord, for the doctors, for the nurses, for the caretakers and researchers and first responders, Lord, some of these folks in our own congregation, we pray for folks like Andrew Wanger, Heidi Curry, Christina Weber, Erin bronzer, Jodie smiley, Marnie O'Donnell and Cheryl Wolf. And I know there are others. We pray for them for our local state and federal government officials who are making difficult decisions. We pray for them. Lord for the leaders within the CDC, when the who, the Pennsylvania department of health and other organizations seeking to, to fight to stop this virus, we pray for them. We pray for their protection. We pray for wisdom, God, as they, as they seek to help the world, Lord, we pray that we would be the people that you've called us to be, and that you would be with the people making decisions that affect the lives and the futures of our families, communities, countries, and the wider world inspire us Lord and invigorating people developing better tests to diagnose the virus vaccines, to prevent it and protocols and communication to eliminate the diseases.


[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines

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Grantham Church

Spatial Coverage

Mechanicsburg, PA

Date Submitted

11/10/2020 11:24

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