The New Normal



The New Normal


It looks forward. And you're going to see this in Exodus chapter 14, because remember, as we get into Exodus chapter 14, we're talking about a nation who has no, nothing but slavery for 430 years, 430 years. So their norm is being enslaved. Their normal is being oppressed. On one hand, they hated it. They hated it because there was absolutely no freedom in it. Their frustration was increasing because Pharaoh, I don't know what happened, got a little bit greedy. And he's telling them maybe as a form of punishment, Hey, here, here's what you got to do. You're going to not only make bricks, but now you're going to make bricks without straw. And so they had to make bricks without straw. So, you know, go fetch your own straw, but make the same number of bricks. You got to fulfill your quota, but you're not going to have enough to do it with, so now listen, Okay. I, I, might've gone too quickly. You're going to have to make bricks, But you're not going to have the straw to do it with your you're not going to have enough. And I think there's a parallel here because we, as a general Are used to not having enough, right? We want more, More and more and more, and I'm not, I'm not, I'm not slamming the generation. I'm just recognizing that. I think in the spirit of this age, there's a spirit of, of never enough. We can never get enough connection. We can never get enough information. I think everybody in this congregation right now has a cell phone. People are joining us online from North Carolina, Louisiana. And just want to say, hello, y'all got your cell phones too. And part of what that cell phone is designed to do is to give you a quote connection, make you connected to people all the time, give you constant newsfeed. So you feel like you're connected to the world around you, but I need you to understand something that is not a connection. It gives you a semblance of a connection, but it's not a connection, right? And I think sometimes when we're practicing the social distancing, maybe we could practice a little bit of social media distancing and things like that.


Analogies to Mythic Narratives

has community

Camp Creek Church

Spatial Coverage

Lilburn, GA

has denomination

Primitive Baptist

Date Submitted

11/11/2020 20:28

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