Understanding the times



Understanding the times


So what about us is COVID-19 a sign that we're living in the last days. Absolutely. There's no question in my mind. I'll tell you this. I hope it's the very last days, I'm ready to be done with this mess and to see Jesus face to face. But having said that, there's one thing. I know a lot of things I don't, but one thing I know whenever Jesus comes, be it very, very soon or a long way yet down the road. My salvation is because of his grace. He saved me yesterday. He saves me today. He'll save me tomorrow. He'll save me on the day. When I see him face to face and every step along the way I can rest my soul in him because of his wonderful grace.


Apocalypse...virus as end times

has community

Loma Linda University Church

Spatial Coverage

Loma Linda, CA

has denomination

Seventh Day Adventists

Date Submitted

12/2/2020 13:43

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