Is COVID-19 From God



Is COVID-19 From God


So then is COVID-19 from God. Well, I don't know of all the categories we've looked at. I don't know exactly which one to put it in because God hasn't revealed that. I do know that God is sovereign, but is the coronavirus from God, I don't know. And neither do you. And neither does anybody else. We can look backwards at statements and scriptures. And there were times when we're told that God did this. We don't have such revelation today. So I don't know, but I do know that God is sovereign. Is it possible that God has sent this? Yeah, it's entirely possible.


Theodicy (S): Pandemic as punishment for Sin. Or not!

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Bartlett Church of Christ

Spatial Coverage

Bartlett, TN

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New Testament Church Christian, general

Date Submitted

10/21/2020 20:03

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