God Sent The Coronavirus pt. 1



God Sent The Coronavirus pt. 1


. We, like John the Baptist, must lay the axe to the root of the trees. We must preach the judgment of God with the tenacity and boldness of a jungle lion. For decades the LORD has put it in the hearts of the people of this church to preach to this world (every day – on the streets on this country – on our websites, on social media and in every form we have available to us). The Lord has given us the message that the judgment of God is coming and the destruction of this people/world is imminent (like Noah preaching the flood is coming or Jeremiah that Nebuchadnezzar is on the way).


Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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Westboro Church

Spatial Coverage

Topeka Kansas

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Date Submitted

12/3/2020 17:53

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