End of Days



End of Days


How many have unsaved loved ones? That's why we need the time. Just so we can bring them in. Come on, we've got to bring them in. We've got to bring them into the kingdom. Can you say amen? Hallelujah, come on your family. I'm not going to go to hell. Family are not going to go to hell. Every one of them are going to come into the kingdom. Hallelujah, hallelujah. So right now I rebuke any fear that might've gripped your heart in. No, all fear of dying goes from you. You shall not die, but you should live in show forth the glory of God. Amen. And you shall be made a blessing under meaning hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to God. Let me say one other thing. The seniors.


[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

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The River at Tampa Bay Church

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Tampa, FL

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Date Submitted

10/26/2020 10:42

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