Expand Your Worldview: With the Other



Expand Your Worldview: With the Other


When I started the ninth grade, I started my eighth school. And when I started in ninth grade, my father was a pastor. And while he had some long pastorates, he had a series of pastorates that were a couple of years, or they were changes. One church, built a parsonage, and it made me change school districts and all of that kind of stuff. And, and, and so I started the ninth grade in my eighth different school. And in this particular high school where I was starting, they had a policy that was that new students would be put in the home room with the smallest number. All right. So what, whatever home room had, the smallest number of students, the new students were put there.


M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)

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East Side Church of God

Spatial Coverage

Anderson, IN

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Date Submitted

11/11/2020 16:56

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